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Pride Global
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Environmental Sustainability Policy


Pride Global is committed to environmental sustainability by investing necessary resources, establishing governance processes, and aligning operations with our vision and goals. This policy applies to all the regions where we operate and provide services.

Laws and Regulations

Pride Global believes that environmental regulations have a critical role to play in sustainable development. We will fully comply with applicable environmental laws, regulations, and industry standards in all regions where we operate.


Pride Global recognizes that social and environmental challenges facing humanity today are as integral to business as economic drivers.
Our business operations and value chain result in direct and indirect impacts on the environment on account of use of energy, materials, water, and land as input factors and generate solid waste as byproducts. Therefore, we recognize our responsibility to minimize the environmental impact of our business activities and to protect the environment.

Energy Management

We value energy efficiency and recognize the importance of addressing climate change. Our commitment to environmentally conscious operations requires that we seek opportunities to reduce the amount of energy consumed, and the greenhouse gases emitted as a result of our activities. All employees are expected to consider the potential impacts of their conduct and business decisions to help reduce the climate impact of our operations. To that end, we:

  • Support efforts to help achieve balance between human activities at work and in our communities, and the need to address climate change.
  • Promote the use of renewable and cleaner energy sources and prefer renewable energy sources for our offices where practicable.
  • Engage in environmental education and collective efforts regarding energy conservation and climate change prevention.

Greenhouse Gas Management

We manage and monitor our greenhouse gas emissions. We have undertaken to manage and monitor the greenhouse gas emissions generated from our facilities where feasible and impactful.

  • We expect to identify and deploy programs and actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions where we are able to do so.
  • We expect to also seek greenhouse gas reductions in our supply chain.

Recycling and Waste Management

We strive to reduce overall waste to landfills and promote recycling wherever practicable. The world is moving toward circular economy solutions by regenerating materials and designing-out waste and pollution in all operations. We constantly take into consideration each type of waste we generate from our global operations and analyse our impact to the environment and to the health and safety of surrounding communities. All employees are expected to observe sustainability principles such as operating in a safe and responsible manner.

We strive to:

  • Prioritize the use of renewable and environmentally friendly technologies, and participate in efforts to reduce materials use and waste from our activities.
  • Manage electronic waste and support compliance with evolving standards for recycling and disposal.
  • Identify practical, sustainable ways to consider in our purchasing decisions each relevant supplier’s use of processes and technologies that limit the production of waste.

As part of meeting our service quality, reliability, and cost-competitiveness goals, we keep thinking holistically and act locally to continuously reduce the environmental impact from our waste.

Our Committed

  • Reduction of our energy usage and GHG footprint.
  • Increase in the efficiency of use and recycling of water.
  • Sustainable waste management minimizing waste-to-landfill.

Governing Mechanism

Pride Global has a governing mechanism for environmental sustainability.

  • We are dedicated to conducting annual reviews of the environmental policy to ensure its relevance, effectiveness, and adherence within our organization and to the international standards and best practices.
  • The outcome of these reviews will be documented and any amendments or enhancements to the policy will be implemented as needed.